



• 交通运输工程、计算机科学与技术、地图学与地理信息系统


• 智慧交通/城市、灾害应急、多源时空数据与智能计算


中山大学 智能工程学院
2024.08 - 至今
2019.03 - 2024.07
深圳大学 空间信息智能感知与服务深圳市重点实验室
2016.10 - 2019.02
城市大数据分析 (导师:李清泉、乐阳教授)
荷兰埃因霍温理工大学 工业工程学院
2014.09 - 2015.08
管理科学与工程 (导师:Tom Van Woensel)
北京师范大学 减灾与应急管理研究院
2011.09 - 2016.06
地图学与地理信息系统 (导师:吴立新教授)
东北大学 资源与土木工程学院
2007.09 - 2011.07
测绘工程 (专业第一、保送北师大本科直博)


• 人群移动、健康地理学、人类活动与自然环境

• 时空大数据挖掘、可持续发展、大数据灾害、智慧交通/城市

• 生态环境物联网监测、移动测量、大数据平台研发



国家自然科学基金面上项目:微观行为与宏观状态相互制约下的室内外一体化应急疏散模型研究(42071367),主持人,55万, 2021.01-2024.12(在研)

深圳市可持续发展科技专项项目:生态监测及自然灾害预警信息化技术研发与应用(KCXFZ20201221173613035),主持人,600万, 2021.07-2024.06(在研)

国家自然科学基金青年基金:城市重大突发事件下多交通模式联合疏散策略研究(41701452), 主持人,21万, 2018.01-2020.12(结题)

中国博士后科学基金面上项目:时空大数据下城市重大突发事件的精细应急疏散策略研究(2018M633107), 主持人, 5万, 2018.04-2019.02(结题)

广东省自然科学基金面上项目:基于人群移动轨迹大数据的粤港澳大湾区交通基础设施优化(2019A1515011501),主持人,10万, 2019.10-2022.09(结题)








[1] Jiang, J., Xu, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J., Liu, K., & Kong, H. (2023). Revealing the fractal and self-similarity of realistic collective human mobility. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 630, 129232.

[2] Jiang, J., Wang, J., Yao, H., Zhang, Z., & Xu, Z. (2023). Revealing the mobile sensing powers of semi-random and deterministic “drive-by” vehicle fleets. Transactions in GIS, 00, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1111/tgis.13124.

[3] Zhang, Z., Xu, D., Mathiopoulos, P. T., Wang, Q., Zhang, L., Xu, Z., ... , Jiang J.* & Li, Z. (2023). DMSC-Net: A deep Multi-Scale context network for 3D object detection of indoor point clouds. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122, 103454.

[4] Jiang, Jincheng, Wei Tu, Hui Kong, Wei Zeng, Rui Zhang, and Milan Konecny. "Large-Scale Urban Multiple-Modal Transport Evacuation Model for Mass Gathering Events Considering Pedestrian and Public Transit System." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(12): 23059 - 23069.

[5] 江锦成.面向重大突发灾害事故的应急疏散研究综述[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2021,46(10):1498-1518.DOI:10.13203/j.whugis20200522.

[6] Jiang, J., Chen, J., & Wang, C. (2020). Multi-granularity hybrid parallel network simplex algorithm for minimum-cost flow problems. The Journal of Supercomputing, 76(12), 9800-9826.

[7] Liu, K., Qiu, P., Gao, S., Lu, F., Jiang, J.*, & Yin, L. (2020). Investigating urban metro stations as cognitive places in cities using points of interest. Cities, 97, 102561 .

[8] Jiang, J., Chen, J., Tu, W., & Wang, C. (2019). A Novel Effective Indicator of Weighted Inter-City Human Mobility Networks to Estimate Economic Development. Sustainability, 11(22), 6348.

[9] Jincheng Jiang, Qingquan Li, Wei Tu, Shih-Lung Shaw, Yang Yue*, A simple and direct method to analyze the influences of sampling fractions on modeling intra-city human mobility, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2019, 33(3):618-644.

[10] Jincheng Jiang*, Nico Dellaert, Tom Van Woensel, Lixin Wu. Modeling Traffic Flows and Estimating Link Travel Times in Transportation Network under Dynamic Disturbances. Transportation. 2019.

[11] Chisheng Wang, Junzhuo Ke, Jincheng Jiang*, Min Lu, Wenqun Xiu, Peng Liu, and Qingquan Li. Visual analytics of aftershock point cloud data in complex fault systems, Solid Earth:2019,10, 1397–1407 .

[12] Jincheng Jiang, Yang Yue*. Multimodal-Transport Collaborative Evacuation Strategies for Urban Serious Emergency Incidents Based on Multi-Sources Spatiotemporal Data. GIScience 2018. August, 28-31, 2018. The University of Melbourne.

[13] Jincheng Jiang, Lixin Wu*. A New Dynamic Network Flow Algorithm Using Base State Amendment Model for Emergency Response. Transactions in GIS. 2017, 21(6), 1179-1203.

[14] Jincheng Jiang, Qingquan Li*, Lixin Wu, Wei Tu. Multi-Objective Emergency Material Vehicle Dispatching and Routing under Dynamic Constraints in an Earthquake Disaster Environment. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017, 6(5), 142.

[15] 江锦成, 吴立新*, 张媛媛. 适用于大规模网络的全源最短路径重优化算法—RASP算法. 东北大学学报自然版. 2017,38(7),1037-1042.

[16] Jincheng Jiang, Lixin Wu*. Two-Stage Distributed Parallel Algorithm with Message Passing Interface for Maximum Flow Problem. Journal of Supercomputing. 2015, 71(2), 629-647.

[17] Jincheng Jiang, Lixin Wu*. Evaluating the significance of transportation network link for emergency supplies. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2015. July, 2015. Milan, 4566-4569.

[18] Jincheng Jiang, Lixin Wu*. A re-optimization dynamic shortest path algorithm for vehicle navigation. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2014, July. Quebec, 3109-3112.

[19] Jincheng Jiang, Lixin Wu*. A Dynamic Navigation Algorithm Considering Network Disruption. TC IV Symposium 2014. June, 2014. Suzhou.

[20] 江锦成, 吴立新*, 杨宜舟, 余接情, 李志锋. 网络最大流的自适应求解算法-SAPR算法. 计算机应用研究. 2014,31(10),2969-2973.

[21] 江锦成, 吴立新*, 孙文彬, 杨宜舟. 点集V图-K阶邻近并行搜索算法设计与实验. 地理与地理信息科学. 2013, 29(4), 30-34.

[22] Jincheng Jiang, Lixin Wu*. A MPI Parallel Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem. Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on GeoComputation. July, 2013. Wuhan.

[23] 江锦成, 郭甲腾*, 吴立新, 张荣兵, 杨宜舟.三维地学实体多粒度栅格剖分与布尔运算的并行算法.科技导报. 2011, 29(35), 18-23.

[24] Tu, W., Ye, H., Mai, K., Zhou, M., Jiang, J., Zhao, T., ... & Li, Q. (2023). Deep online recommendations for connected E-taxis by coupling trajectory mining and reinforcement learning. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-27.

[25] Zhou, Z., Jin, S. T., Jiang, J., & Kong, H. (2023). The spatial-temporal evolution of public bike-sharing systems in China: The disruption of dockless bike-sharing emergence. Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology, 2(4), 223-240.

[26] Li, Yong, Xu Li, Zhenxin Zhang, Feng Shuang, Qi Lin, and Jincheng Jiang. "DenseKPNET: Dense Kernel Point Convolutional Neural Networks for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60 (2022): 1-13.

[27] Jiang, Xiapeng, Jianing Zhen, Jing Miao, Demei Zhao, Zhen Shen, Jincheng Jiang, Changjun Gao, Guofeng Wu, and Junjie Wang. "Newly-developed three-band hyperspectral vegetation index for estimating leaf relative chlorophyll content of mangrove under different severities of pest and disease." Ecological Indicators 140 (2022): 108978.

[28] Zhao, Demei, Jianing Zhen, Yinghui Zhang, Jing Miao, Zhen Shen, Xiapeng Jiang, Junjie Wang, Jincheng Jiang, Yuzhi Tang, and Guofeng Wu. "Mapping mangrove leaf area index (LAI) by combining remote sensing images with PROSAIL‐D and XGBoost methods." Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/rse2.315.

[29] Zhao, Demei, Jingzhe Wang, Jing Miao, Jianing Zhen, Junjie Wang, Changjun Gao, Jincheng Jiang, and Guofeng Wu. "Spectral features of Fe and organic carbon in estimating low and moderate concentration of heavy metals in mangrove sediments across different regions and habitat types." Geoderma 426 (2022): 116093.

[30] 汪驰升,郭雪晴,崔红星,王新雨,王永全,江锦成,李清泉.城市天际线对地动态观测:一种新型城市突发事件遥感监测方式探讨[J].中国科学:技术科学,2021,51(01):78-88.

[31] Zeng, W., Lin, C., Lin, J., Jiang, J., Xia, J., Turkay, C., & Chen, W. (2020). Revisiting the modifiable areal unit problem in deep traffic prediction with visual analytics. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 27(2), 839-848 .

[32] Tu, W., Zhu, T., Xia, J., Zhou, Y., Lai, Y., Jiang, J., & Li, Q. (2020). Portraying the spatial dynamics of urban vibrancy using multisource urban big data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101428 .

[33] 唐倩迪,汪驰升,王永全,宿瑞博,江锦成,崔红星.志愿者民航客机夜光遥感光污染监测初步研究[J].遥感技术与应用,2020,35(06):1360-1367.

[34] Wei Tu, Tianhong Zhao, Baoding Zhou, Jincheng Jiang, Jizhe Xia, and Qingquan LI. OCD:Online Crowdsourced Delivery for On-Demand Food, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURN, 2019-07-23,7,1-13.

[35] Wei Tu, Zhongwen Hu*, Lefei Li, Jinzhou Cao, Jincheng Jiang, Qiuping Li, Qingquan Li. Portraying Urban Functional Zones by Coupling Remote Sensing Imagery and Human Sensing Data. Remote sensing. 2018, 10(1), 141.

[36] 吴立新 ,刘纪平,江锦成,基于MPI的最小费用流网络单纯形并行算法设计与实验,地理与地理信息科学,2016.01.15,32(1):1~5

[37] 张振鑫, 吴立新, 李志锋, 杨宜舟, 江锦成, 许志华. 城区内涝淹没模拟算法, 测绘科学, 2016, 41(6):87-91.











一种交通出行调查数据处理方法(已授权), 专利号:ZL201711120069.8


人群拥挤踩踏风险评估方法、装置、设备及存储介质,申请号: CN202311136121.4

一种多类型环境监测传感器集成方法与装置,申请号: CN202311551597.4

一种多类型车辆联合的城市环境感知优化方法及装置,申请号: CN202311554601.2

一种生态服务功能评价方法、系统、设备及存储介质,申请号: CN202311566401.9

区域农作物产量估算方法、系统、设备及存储介质,申请号: CN202310835265.2

一种顾及测量机器人监测点约束的时序点云方法,申请号: CN202310737171.1



一种针对城市聚集事件的应急疏散方法与系统, 申请号:CN201911289214.4





• 国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会数字能源专业委员会委员

• 国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金评审专家

• 《地理与地理信息科学》、《Transaction in GIS》、《Open Geosciences》、《Journal of Supercomputing》等杂志审稿人










• 张文忠,2021级.

• 李胤亨,2022级.

• 于金源,2022级.

• 俞 云,2022级,客座.

• 周 杰,2023级.

• 王 阳,实习.